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WordPress Tags are Not The Same As Instagram Hashtags

Do you know the difference between a WordPress tag and hashtags used on social media? Not all tags are the same! Instagram Hashtags At Design TLC, we are fans of Instagram (follow our new-ish Instagram page here). Instagram has become a popular social media tool, and is widely used as…


Reputation Marketing: Get More Genuine Online Business Reviews

When you’re looking to try a new restaurant or find a home service provider, what do you do? If you are like most people, you turn to the internet to search, and then you look at online reviews to narrow down your options and make a decision about where to…


How To Choose a Web Designer For Your Business

Are you thinking about creating a new website for your business? You might consider building a website yourself, especially if your business is small and your budget is limited. However, once you reach a point where you want to invest in important marketing tools like a website, you might consider…


Why Landing Pages Can Help Your Business

… And What Exactly Is A Landing Page? Let’s start with what a Landing Page is NOT. Many people refer to the “Home Page” of their website as a “Landing Page.” You could argue that any page someone lands on could be referred to as a “Landing Page.” (And in…

catphoto If you take a photo with your phone, make sure you optimize it before you upload it to your website.

How To Add Images to a WordPress Website The Right Way

Images, and how you add them to your website, can make or break the success of your website. An unappealing, unprofessional photo or graphic can leave your visitors with a negative impression of your business. A great photo can grab attention; however, if the image is not prepared properly for…


How To Create Your Best Website

One of the great things about a website as a marketing tool is that it is dynamic. A website can be frequently changed and updated, unlike printed materials. For example, if you print 1,000 brochures and then decide to change your pricing, the process and expense in editing and reprinting…

password Photo, Pixabay

It’s After Launch Time. Do You Know Where Your Website Account Information Is?

I recently contacted all of my current clients and even some past clients to share with them a list of their website and domain hosting information, as well as any logins I have on file for their business. My team at Design TLC spent a lot of time pulling together…


It's all about the "S": Google and its HTTPS Policy

Head S Up if you are not using https! Google has a policy regarding HTTPS on websites that you should know about. As a primary internet browser, dictates some best practices for website owners and developers. In the recent past, for example, Google started “requiring” websites to be mobile responsive…


An Effective Website Planning, Design and Development Process

Building or refreshing a school or nonprofit website takes time and collaboration to be successful. Our website projects go smoothly because our process is well planned and organized and are most effective when the client participates in the process enthusiastically. Here is our Guide To An Effective Website Development Process:…


Quick Fix: Object Cache Error

Sometimes a WordPress error looks really scary. A client recently contacted me when she saw this after logging in to her site via wp-admin. I have also seen this on the front end of some websites in recent weeks as well. Notice: Indirect modification of overload element of WP_HOOK has…

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Get over your fear! SVGs are not SCARY Vector Graphics

If you’re like me, there is never enough time to learn ALL the things you want to. I keep hearing about how amazing SVGs are, but have been scared to learn how to create them and work with them. Even more intimidating…. Adding animation! Why SVG? You might first wonder…


A Little (Smushed) Bird Told Me: Regenerate Thumbnails Saves The Day

Have you ever had images “suddenly” look distorted on your WordPress website? The other day, I changed my theme to edit an image size in my functions.php file, as well as the corresponding style.css properties. When I did that, the images I was targeting were successfully cropped to the correct…