TLC from The Heart

We believe we all can lead the way to a better tomorrow, today.

Every year, Design TLC provides pro bono website services to selected nonprofit organizations.

Pro Bono Website for nonprofit

Design TLC Pro Bono Website Services

We believe in expressing our gratitude for the support we have received over the years by helping other organizations to pursue their goals.

Every year, we select one nonprofit organization to receive some TLC for free. Our pro bono website services include a complete website review, consultation, and recommended enhancements. We also may make changes including a complete website redesign and rebuild, installation of new plugin software, SEO enhancements, and more. Our goal is to help the selected organization meet or exceed its goals with an effective, clear, and beautifully designed website.

We provide pro bono discounts on additional nonprofit projects on a case-by-case basis.

2023-24 TLC From The Heart Recipient

FACS Logo for probono website project

Pro Bono Services include:

  • Strategic planning and development of website structure and content
  • SEO keyword research and guidance, with custom meta descriptions and connection to Google Analytics and Good Search Console
  • Custom website design to reflect the unique brand, personality and messaging of FACS
  • Complete website overhaul using WordPress and Beaver Builder


We are pleased to have selected Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS) as our 2023-24 Pro Bono Project. FACS is a nonprofit organization that organizes climate change advocacy from within faith communities. Members are people who care about planet earth, public health, justice, wildlife, and the future we leave our children - all things that are impacted by climate change. Faithful voices are valuable in the conversation on climate change, and faith-based action draws on a deep well of love for each other and the planet we share. The FACS network includes Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Mainline Protestant, Hindu, Unitarian Universalist, Society of Friends, and other traditions. Their work is done in Northern Virginia, with a primary policy focus on Fairfax County, the most populous jurisdiction in Virginia.

TLC from The Heart Pro Bono recipients include:

Design TLC communicates our values through our relationships & affiliations.

We believe in supporting causes, with monetary and/or in-kind contributions, especially when it comes to equality & justice.

Black Lives Matter. Read more about how we stand up & speak out here.

We believe in aiming higher and leaving each corner of the internet we touch better than how we found it.

Reach out to us here and share insights, concerns, questions, and suggestions.

Thank you to Kinsta for offering free hosting for one year to our pro bono client. They also offer a nonprofit discount.