Sharing Some TLC

elisa-ventur-bmJAXAz6ads-unsplash Courtesy of Elisa Ventur on Unsplash.

6 Mistakes You Might Be Making on Your School Website

Keeping your private school’s website design in tip top shape over time is no easy feat— with plugin updates, design tweaks, and overall site upkeep, there is a laundry list of maintenance must-haves to keep the boat afloat and your website performing at an optimal level.  In this blog post,…

kenny-eliason-3GZNPBLImWc-unsplash Courtesy of Kenny Eliason on Unsplash.

4 Helpful SEO Stats (And How to Use Them for Your School Blog)

Did you know that over 90 percent of online searches begin with a search engine? In fact, the average person conducts about three to four searches a day. If someone is looking for an answer to a question or a certain piece of information, it is almost certain they will…


Four Simple Ways To Improve Local Search Results for Your School

For small schools, your rankings in search engines like Google are the secret ingredient to a successful marketing strategy. To reach your marketing goals and improve local search results, your website and its content needs to be optimized to its full potential.  In this blog post, we’ll give you insider…

vitolda-klein-Nru3PmN8TjI-unsplash Courtesy of Vitolda Klein on Unsplash.

5 Easy Summer Break SEO Tasks for your School Website

While your school students, parents and families are relaxing this summer, your team may be taking advantage of the vacation and preparing your website for the next school year. We are going to share our top recommended tasks for school websites for your summer break. Summer is short— if you…

solen-feyissa-UWVJaDvXW_c-unsplash Courtesy of Solen Feyissa on Unsplash.

Using Google Business Profile to Increase Student Enrollment

Let’s talk about free and effective marketing strategies to increase student enrollment! As summer kicks off, your school kickstarts recruiting new students to join your school community in the fall. As for parents, they will scour the internet for information on the best school option for their kids for the…

john-schnobrich-2FPjlAyMQTA-unsplash Courtesy of John Schnobrich on Unsplash.

Essential School Website Features for Great User Experience

In the web design world, there are a plethora of fancy features that are implemented in school websites to enhance user experience. These could include videography, pop-ups, interactive polls, the list goes on. While they are great add-ons, and can definitely add a layer of complexity to overall user experience,…


Is Your Website Accessible?

Website accessibility is a hot topic right now. Since 1990, the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) has prohibited discrimination based on disability. Originally focused on accessibility to brick and mortar buildings, it has expanded to include virtual spaces, as well. This means that your website (a virtual space) should allow…


4 Ways to Boost your Image on Your Small School Website in 2022

Just like the new year, new school projects are upon us! What is the top priority of your small school website this January? Perhaps you’re looking to start the new year fresh with a complete rebrand? If so, this is the blog post for you.  Creating a new brand identity…

edho-pratama-T6fDN60bMWY-unsplash Courtesy of Edho Pratama on Unsplash.

Does your school website design need a refresh in 2022?

Is your school website design looking a bit dated? The year is winding down, the holiday season is upon us! At this point in the year, students are preparing to be released for holiday break and your team is tying off projects and prepping for the next semester.  As you…


When Should You Use Accordions on Your Website

Using accordions on a website can make the content easier to read at a glance and avoid overwhelming a website visitors with too many words. However, it should not be overused as accordions can also make a website harder to use by forcing too much clicking to access important information….

md-duran-1VqHRwxcCCw-unsplash Courtesy of MD Duran on Unsplash

Tips for Improving Alumni Engagement for Small Schools

The pandemic has disrupted nearly everything about education for schools, alumni engagement included – especially in smaller schools. Students of all ages have sacrificed so much during the pandemic: their regular lifestyles, class schedules, social lives on campus, extracurricular activities, the list goes on and on! After everything students have…

girl reading

Summer projects for your school website

Summer is rapidly approaching, and as your students are anticipating the upcoming summer vacation, it’s time to start preparing your school’s website for the next school year.  Website upkeep isn’t easy work. However, it is crucial to ensure your website is reaching its full potential. In this article we’ll list…