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Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop for Incarcerated Youth 2021-04-10 at 6.04.00 PM

5 best practices for your non-profit website

Overhauling a non-profit website, or going through a re-designing phase is no easy feat, and it can be difficult to know what to prioritize. Or, sometimes it’s difficult to know when your website is ready for a refresh, especially if you don’t know the criteria that make up a great…

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Summer projects for your school website

Summer is rapidly approaching, and as your students are anticipating the upcoming summer vacation, it’s time to start preparing your school’s website for the next school year.  Website upkeep isn’t easy work. However, it is crucial to ensure your website is reaching its full potential. In this article we’ll list…

fotografierende-333oj7zFsdg-unsplash Courtesy of fotografierende on Unsplash

SEO copywriting hacks for your school website

It can be frustrating when you spend hours developing content for your school website without seeing any improvements in search rankings, enrollments, etc. If you find yourself in this case, it’s time to dial in on the actual content you’re writing. You could build out your website’s content for days,…


How to build a great nonprofit mission statement

A mission statement is the foundation of any organization. It defines the culture and can influence every aspect of a business or organization.  Mission statements are usually concise and to the point. It can be difficult to capture the essence of your organization in one simple sentence. The process of…

Photo-by-Julia-M-Cameron-from-Pexels-pexels-julia-m-cameron-4143798 Photo by Julia M. Cameron from Pexels.

Tips for developing clear messaging for your school

Your school’s messaging is incredibly important when it comes to website design and development. Imagery, multimedia elements and other flashy features may get the attention of your website visitors, but it’s the content of your website’s message that will hook them in for more.  It’s important that your school’s messaging…

abe-b-ryokan-H7Lea3wiOqw-unsplash Courtesy of Abe. B. Ryokan on Unsplash

The importance of avoiding duplicate content

If you’re trying to learn more about SEO for your small school’s website, you’ve probably heard of duplicate content. There’s a lot of mixed information out there about duplicate content, ranging from what duplicate content actually is, how you can be penalized for it, and whether or not it actually…


Google Core Web Vitals for your school website

Your website’s user-experience is critical to reaching your long term marketing goals. There are many elements that make up your school or non-profit website’s user experience: site speed, interactivity, responsiveness, etc.  In 2020, Google announced that “Core Web Vitals” would be used as ranking signals in 2021. What does this…


4 reasons why WordPress is perfect for small school websites

At DesignTLC, we proudly use WordPress to design websites for our clients. There are plenty of other platforms available, like Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace, and Finalsite is a big name in school websites. WordPress is our favorite for four reasons:  Ease of Use Ownership Extendabilty Community  1. Affordability  It’s no…

halgatewood-com-tZc3vjPCk-Q-unsplash Courtesy of Hal Gatewood on Unsplash.

Great school website design trends to note for 2021

As we are hustling through the new year into the spring, school website designers are picking up more assignments for small schools to meet their deadlines to start marketing for recruitment. If you’re in a similar position and you’ve reached a creative rut, or you don’t know which elements of…

nabeel-syed-Jk3-Uhdwjcs-unsplash Courtesy of Nabeel Syed on Unsplash.

Prioritizing Quality over Quantity website traffic

When it comes to website traffic, it may be hard to believe that quality visitors over quantity matter. You may think, “Why should it? I’m getting loads of traffic, it should be helping me.” Lots of traffic is awesome, but it doesn’t always help if you don’t know the quality…

solen-feyissa-UWVJaDvXW_c-unsplash Courtesy of Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

The Difference Between Branded and Unbranded Searches

School marketing can be complicated! You’re in charge of branding your school – without brand recognition, your enrollment and prospects will become stagnant and your SEO efforts fall flat. For strong school SEO, you need to monitor the keywords being used in your audience’s internet searches; these search queries can…

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Tips for building your school website sitemap

Editing a website or completing a site overhaul and starting from scratch is a long process that has multiple steps, including creating a sitemap for the website’s organization. If you’ve been tasked with building your school website sitemap, you may be wondering how to create one effectively. Here are a…

element5-digital-OyCl7Y4y0Bk-unsplash Courtesy of Element5 Digital on Unsplash

4 Great Private School WordPress Website Designs

There is a different level of scrutiny that is involved because private schools are under more pressure to create compelling, interesting websites in comparison to public schools. In general, private schools are more competitive than public schools in terms of creativity and design, and it shows in their websites. Because…

edho-pratama-T6fDN60bMWY-unsplash Courtesy of Edho Pratama on Unsplash

Key school website terminology you should know

We’ve crafted a guide to help you understand some of the most important terms in the school website industry.


Advantages of Dynamic Content on WordPress Sites

Creating a more professional WordPress website can be done through enhancing site design and plugging in advanced features. Web developers will suggest these options to you; however, have you thought about including some dynamic content into your WordPress site to boost the overall user experience?  What is dynamic content?  Dynamic…


Come back strong after winter break with these quick school marketing plans

With the holidays this week, schools were recently released for winter break until January. While it’d be nice to take the entire break off, this is a great opportunity for you to revamp your private school website and marketing plan through some quick, painless projects that put you in a…

ben-white-dddQHervE04-unsplash Courtesy of Ben White on Unsplash

Lift your small school’s holiday spirits with these virtual ideas

The holidays are usually such an exciting part of the year, and COVID-19 will definitely impact this holiday season. With school communities trying to virtually engage away from each other, how are small schools supposed to foster a positive, optimistic culture for the holidays? If morale is low in your…

markus-winkler-wLBVAF-kMR0-unsplash Courtesy of Markus Winkler on Unsplash.

Last minute preparation tips for #GivingTuesday Donations

Giving Tuesday is just around the corner, taking place this year on November 28 just after the Thanksgiving holiday. Rooted in online donations, the basis of the hashtag holiday is essentially Black Friday for non-profits. Because Giving Tuesday is so significant in the non-profit industry, it’s crucial that your organization…

big-egg-small-egg Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

Benefits of working with a small website agency

Your school or non-profit organization’s website is your first impression to your audiences; if your website isn’t making the best first impression, you’re not maximizing your marketing potential.  To avoid this, you want to have a website that best represents your school or nonprofit’s interests. Of course, you can always…


How Google’s new COVID-19 attributes can help your small school or non-profit

As we all know, Coronavirus has sent the education industry through a loop, especially small, independent, and private schools. As the next school year’s recruiting season circles around and uncertainty continues, parents will begin their online research to find the best match for their child. Google My Business offers “attributes”…