Sharing Some TLC

website-cost Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Navigating the Cost of a Good Private School or Nonprofit Website in 2024

In 2024, the cost of a well-designed and functional website for a private school or nonprofit organization can vary significantly based on several factors. Understanding these factors can help you navigate the pricing landscape and make informed decisions about your website investment. Here are some key considerations when evaluating the…


Maximizing School Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide to Blackbaud API Integration with WordPress by Design TLC

The need for seamless integration of technology is increasingly important in the ever-evolving digital landscape of education. Schools can be challenged by managing of vast amounts of data while striving to enhance communication and engagement with students, parents, alumni, and donors. Recognizing these challenges, Design TLC offers innovative solutions to…


The Benefits of WordPress for School and Nonprofit Websites

For schools and nonprofit organizations to effectively communicate, engage with their communities, and achieve their missions, a professional online presence is essential. WordPress, a popular content management system (CMS), is a versatile and cost-effective solution for building and maintaining websites which offers many benefits to both schools and nonprofit organizations….


Why Choose WordPress for Montessori and Preschool Websites

A strong online presence is essential for small schools, including Montessori and preschools. A well-designed website not only serves as a gateway for prospective parents and caregivers but also reflects the unique philosophies and values that these institutions uphold. When it comes to building a website that effectively captures the…


Leveraging APIs in Web Development: Enhancing School Websites with Blackbaud Integration for WordPress

Design TLC is uniquely positioned to integrate the Blackbaud API into a WordPress website for schools. Check out the website we created for The Renbrook School to see an example of how this combination comes to life. Read on to learn more about APIs, and how Blackbaud and WordPress can…


How your web host could help or hurt your website performance

One of the first questions people may ask web designers when planning out their website is: Does it really matter where my website is hosted, or if it is hosted at all? In short, yes! The hosting environment you choose for your school website can impact security, SEO, user experience…

myriam-zilles-L3FwT4qMeT0-unsplash Courtesy of Myriam Zilles on Unsplash.

2022 School and Nonprofit Website Wrap Up – Our Year in Review

It is hard to believe, but 2022 is coming to a close— happy holidays and happy New Year! What a whirlwind this year has been. While we can’t wait to see what next year holds, the holiday season gives an opportunity to look back and reflect on this past year…


Is Your Website Accessible?

Website accessibility is a hot topic right now. Since 1990, the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) has prohibited discrimination based on disability. Originally focused on accessibility to brick and mortar buildings, it has expanded to include virtual spaces, as well. This means that your website (a virtual space) should allow…

edho-pratama-T6fDN60bMWY-unsplash Courtesy of Edho Pratama on Unsplash.

Does your school website design need a refresh in 2022?

Is your school website design looking a bit dated? The year is winding down, the holiday season is upon us! At this point in the year, students are preparing to be released for holiday break and your team is tying off projects and prepping for the next semester.  As you…


4 Key School Website Performance Metrics and Why They Matter

When you’re running a school or nonprofit organization, it’s crucial to work out the balance between “nice-to-have” and “need-to-have.” Some things are “nice to have.” For example, a few less meetings so you can focus more time to get stuff done. Some things are “need to have.” A website –…


Does your WordPress website load in under 3 seconds?

Google favors websites that load in under 3 seconds, because that is a benchmark for a better user experience and website performance. It shouldn’t be hard to make your website load this fast, but many websites fail to meet this benchmark. We recently started working with a nonprofit whose WordPress…

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Summer projects for your school website

Summer is rapidly approaching, and as your students are anticipating the upcoming summer vacation, it’s time to start preparing your school’s website for the next school year.  Website upkeep isn’t easy work. However, it is crucial to ensure your website is reaching its full potential. In this article we’ll list…