What is the difference between a logotype, logomark, and logo lockup?

Your logo is a huge part of your school or organization’s branding. It’s your first impression to the world, the image of your brand. The term “logo” is actually quite general, as there are several categories of logos. When creating a logo, you may be asked, “Do you want a logomark or a logotype?” What’s the difference, anyways, and why does it matter? Are the differences significant enough to make an impact on your school’s branding? In this post, we’ll dissect what each type of logo means and go into detail about the benefits of each. 


A logotype is a logo that’s centered around your school or organization’s initials or name. They’re the logos that include letters or text, also known as “lettermarks” and “wordmarks.” These logos are ideal for brand awareness, they’re classic and traditional. Logotypes eliminate any confusion about the organization and offer an opportunity to provide additional information. For example, in the example below, the logo explicitly states that the school is an Espiscopal Day school. 

Grace School logotype

These logos work best in more formal industries, and are great for new schools or businesses who want to spread awareness for their brand. A small downside is the creativity can be limited to the typography, but there is still some room to be innovative through text. A simple logotype can simplify the header of a website, allowing more room above the fold for your message and call to action.


A logomark is a logo that is based around an image or graphic. These logos have to be iconic and maximize their visual communication through just a small image. Images have the power to explain your brand without wording, so your logomark must be unique and creative to stand out.
A logomark is great for an industry that has preexisting imagery. For example, books are considered to be symbols of knowledge, making them a popular logomark in the education industry, like in the picture below.

Logomark for Engage The Brain

To design an effective logomark, you need to find an artistic style that complements your school or organization’s brand identity and work from there. Even the smallest of details can impact the impression of your logo to your audiences; harsh lines come off as formal, whilst softer shapes like circles add a more casual element to the logo. It all depends on the tone of your school’s brand and how you want to convey your message. 

Logo lockup

A logo lockup is a combination of both a logotype and a logomark. While both can effectively operate as separate logos, some appear to be “locked” together. These can be composed of a company name and an image, or even more detailed to include the company name, slogan, image, department name, etc. A logo lockup is a common choice for lots of businesses; this is a great option for a new brand trying to spread awareness for themselves. In a logomark, you get the benefits of both logotypes and logomarks to make your logo as effective as possible, like in the examples below. 

Logo Lockup
Logo lockup

Which logo is the right one for your brand? 

Your logo is a crucial part of your school or organization’s branding efforts, take all the necessary steps to get it right. Need help choosing a logo that best suits your small school or organization? Contact us today!