Bike League Data Website

New website for the League of American Bicyclists Data Benchmarking Report


The League of American Bicyclists brought us back to help them relaunch their data website. They needed to overhaul the structure of the site on both the front and back end of the website. We were tasked with organizing and simplifying the presentation of a lot of data about bicycling in the United States. The former site was hard to navigate and had a lot of content as pages to present a report that was out of date.


We began by doing a thorough audit of the existing website and working with the client to outline a new structure. We converted pages into special content types that could be easily filtered by users into City, State, and National data on a variety of topics. We redesigned the home page and subpages to match the main League of American Bicyclists website that we launched in 2023, creating a consistent, clean design.


The new website loads faster, is easier to navigate and includes a user-friendly filter for the data content. We were able to maintain the existing data charts and footnotes by working with some software used on the former WordPress website.

screenshot of data search


old website for bike league nonprofit

New Website

new website for Bike League data