Sharing Some TLC


How Schools Can Use AI to Generate Website Content and Improve SEO

From attracting prospective students and engaging parents to keeping the community informed, a school’s website plays a pivotal role. However, maintaining a dynamic, content-rich site that ranks well in search engine results can be challenging. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes into play. AI offers innovative solutions to streamline…


Maximizing School Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide to Blackbaud API Integration with WordPress by Design TLC

The need for seamless integration of technology is increasingly important in the ever-evolving digital landscape of education. Schools can be challenged by managing of vast amounts of data while striving to enhance communication and engagement with students, parents, alumni, and donors. Recognizing these challenges, Design TLC offers innovative solutions to…

spam Photo by Hannes Johnson on Unsplash

New Email Deliverability Rules For Gmail and Yahoo: What It Means

Experiencing email delivery troubles or puzzled by those error messages? Have you received a message from your CRM (Constant Contact, Mailchimp, etc.) that you have to set up or change some settings with acronyms like DKIM and SPF? This is due to an upcoming change in email delivery for Google…


Leveraging APIs in Web Development: Enhancing School Websites with Blackbaud Integration for WordPress

Design TLC is uniquely positioned to integrate the Blackbaud API into a WordPress website for schools. Check out the website we created for The Renbrook School to see an example of how this combination comes to life. Read on to learn more about APIs, and how Blackbaud and WordPress can…


When Should You Use Accordions on Your Website

Using accordions on a website can make the content easier to read at a glance and avoid overwhelming a website visitors with too many words. However, it should not be overused as accordions can also make a website harder to use by forcing too much clicking to access important information….


4 Key School Website Performance Metrics and Why They Matter

When you’re running a school or nonprofit organization, it’s crucial to work out the balance between “nice-to-have” and “need-to-have.” Some things are “nice to have.” For example, a few less meetings so you can focus more time to get stuff done. Some things are “need to have.” A website –…


Don’t Make a Mistake With Your Website Contact Form

Contact forms are a critical element on your website. We’ve written a blog post about contact form delivery issues. No website should be without a contact form/page. However, if you have one and the wrong person (or no person!) is notified when someone fills out your contact form, your organization…


Google Analytics Basics for Schools, Camps and Nonprofits

We connect all the websites we build to Google Analytics (GA). GA is a free resource that can give you a wealth of knowledge about your website traffic and performance. It is an overwhelming amount of data which can be scary if you don’t have an idea of what to…


Uh Oh! WordPress not sending email from Contact Form

Every website should have a contact form. This is an important way for people to reach you, and often the key lead generator on a website. We use Gravity Forms on most of the websites we create, as it is reliable, has a lot of add on features, and we…


Get Rid of Mixed Content on Your WordPress Website

What is Mixed Content? Mixed content on a website occurs when the initial code is loaded over a secure HTTPS connection, but other resources (such as images, videos, stylesheets, scripts) are loaded over an insecure HTTP connection. This is called mixed content because both HTTP and HTTPS content are being…

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Backlinks: How to see who is linking to your website

… and why you should care A very important factor in improving a website’s rank in search engines is backlinks. The more quality websites that link to your website, the better your chances of ranking higher in Google searches. Checking Links To Your Website There are many free tools that…


I did a website refresh and now I get a 404 error. Help!

As wonderful as the design of your current website is, at some point you will want to do a website refresh. It is a good idea to periodically review your website and update the content and design. The information on your website should be up to date, including test and…