Why We Specialize In Custom Websites For Educational Organizations

Design TLC recently announced that we are specializing in websites for small schools, camps, enrichment programs and nonprofits.

The Story

We have built websites for a variety of wonderful small businesses for almost 10 years! Upon reflection, I recently realized that many of the projects we have in our portfolio organically seemed to have a theme of children’s programs in common. This was not intentional, but has turned out to be something we have come to know well and enjoy.

As I embarked on the next phase of my life as an “empty nester” over the past two years, I also noticed this connection with helping children learn and grow.  In my volunteer service, community outreach, and in my website agency, my passion for enriching young minds and lives has been my guide.

Specializing In Educational Content Means We Have a Focus

The decision to formally announce this direction for Design TLC does not mean we will never work on a project that does not fit into the educational organization sphere. We love helping small businesses and organizations improve their online presence. What this means is that I know we are especially good at and fond of projects that fit into our speciality area. The programs we work with have a unique personality which we love bringing to life on the web.

Depth of Knowledge

Specializing has also allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the needs and challenges for small schools and educational organizations when it comes to communicating and interacting on the web. From our experience and research, we understand what parents look for on a school website, whether they are checking out the school for the first time or they are enrolled already.

Giving Back To Educational Nonprofits

We recently launched our TLC from the Heart pro bono project. Each year, we will select one educational nonprofit organization to receive our services for a full year. We will do what it takes to refresh, rebuild and maintain the website. We also train staff so they can take over when our year is up. Our goal is to make it easy for small nonprofits to have a great, functional and easy to maintain website within their budget.

For 2019-2020, we are honored to work with the Arlington Academy of Hope. We will be relaunching their website in October, with some improvements and enhancements to their existing site.

Looking for a Small School or Educational Organization Website Specialist?

Get Happy!

We consistently hear from clients that they love looking at their website. They are impressed with how easy it is to use and importantly, they are happy with how well it reflects their personality and communicates their information. Our “Get Happy” campaign is based on the joy we feel when we help our clients launch and maintain a website that makes them happy!

Contact us for a free consultation and get happy with your website!