Get Ready To Launch Your Summer Camp Registration

kids and parents at summer camp registration
Summer camp registration time is coming!

The first months of the year are the key time for summer camp registration on your website. Whether your organization is a summer camp, or if you are a school or enrichment program who runs a summer camp, now is the time to make sure your website is ready and set up to get lots of enrollees.

Make summer camp registration easy

It may seem obvious, but making your registration easy is the most important thing you can do to increase enrollments. Here are some steps to making summer camp registration easy for users:

  1. Offer online registration. People don’t write checks anymore. They want to sign up online with their credit card.
  2. Make sure your registration website loads quickly. People will not wait for a website to load. Your website needs to load in under 3 seconds.
  3. Allow users to have an account. This will make it easy for them to come back and register quickly next time, if their information is stored in their account.
  4. Present the details clearly. The location, dates, times, ages and prices are most important. Parents go to great lengths to create a schedule for their kids in the summer. They need to see if their child is the right age for the camp, if it is conveniently located if the dates and times work with their schedule, and if it is in their budget.
  5. Show Off! What makes your camp special and fun? Why should parents trust you with their kids? Show photos of kids having fun (preferably real photos, not stock photos), list the schedule of activities and your credentials.
  6. Give Social Proof. People look for reviews to help them make decisions about summer camp registration. Display reviews and testimonials from past campers and their parents to give prospective families confidence that yours is the right camp for them.
  7. Make sure you can get found on the web. Optimize your website for top keywords and make sure your Google My Business page is up to date and under your control.

Marketing Your Summer Camp

If your summer camp registration system is ready to go, it’s time to launch! Here are some ideas to consider to increase enrollment:

  • Launch as early as possible! There is lots of competition for summer camp enrollees.
  • Use social media to spread the word
  • Reach out to your email list with a referral and/or family discount
  • Offer early bird registration to make sure your camp fills as quickly as possible
  • Create a waiting list to create more demand and have a backup to cover dropouts
  • See more creative ideas here

Need help setting up your website for a successful summer camp registration season? Let’s chat!