DIY Website Checklist

Wondering if your website makes the grade?

Inspire confidence in your mission with a DIY Website Assessment. Download our free checklist for quick and easy, step-by-step instructions to check your website performance.

Enter your information to receive your DIY Checklist via Email.

Girl sitting at desk

Get our simple and free DIY School Website Checkup
here to see if your website makes the grade!

Learn how to use free tools to analyze your school website performance and design.

  • Design
  • User Experience
  • Technical Specs & Performance
  • SEO

Give yourself a "Report Card" and learn how to improve your website design, performance and SEO yourself!

Bonus! Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Tara to look at your website and ask me anything!

It's as Easy as ABC!

Enter your information to receive your DIY Checklist via Email.


Benefits of Doing Your Own Website Audit

You will walk through every page of your website, with a list of things to look for and resulting in a list of content to be updated.

You will learn about FREE tools you can use to check your website for technical issues, website traffic and performance.

You will end up with a check list with content to be updated and items you can fix yourself or direct someone to do for you.

Ready for an inspiring school or nonprofit website that is both functional and beautiful? Let’s get started.