Miki Boulin
Social Media Manager

Favorite Charity:
It’s hard to pick a favorite charity; there are so many out there doing excellent work. Any local animal rescue is very close to my animal/nature-loving heart.
Memorable Teacher:
The teacher that has made the most significant difference in my life is my rider biomechanic mentor, Mary Wanless. As with many teachers, she came into my life at a time of great struggle when nothing else seemed to be helping me over a stuck place in my riding. Although I had reached a reasonably high level in my career, I knew something wasn’t right. Through Mary’s patience and carefully honed scientific method, I finally unlocked the code in my body that allowed me and my horses to progress. I have trained with her for 25+ yrs and have become an accredited coach in her Ride With Your Mind system.
Miki is currently working in her second career managing social media for Design TLC and other organizations. She loves the flexibility this gives her to spend time with her three grandchildren, very active aging parents, and other close family members.
Miki also continues part-time in her first career as an equestrian instructor and horse trainer, currently specializing as a Certified Rider Biomechanics Coach. She feels very fortunate to have spent five years in St. Croix learning how to SCUBA dive while cultivating coral nurseries and doing sea turtle nesting research with The Nature Conservancy. She holds PADI certifications as Master Diver, Recreational Rebreather Diver, and Underwater Videographer.