Design TLC Website Services

Accessibility Audit and 1 Hour of Remediation

With the recent updates in search engine rankings and requirements, coupled with the technology and awareness of accessibility requirements, Design TLC highly recommends that all sites undergo an evaluation and remediation for accessibility. 

For our clients on our Basic Maintenance plan we are offering this service, which includes the installation of the Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker plugin which identifies errors so we can correct them with content editing, our own Design TLC Accessibility plugin and custom code as needed.

The most common errors and warnings we see are

  • Color contrast 
  • Incorrect heading order
  • Ambiguous link text
  • Missing alt text

We will conduct an audit plus up to one hour of fixes on your website and provide a report of our findings and fixes, as well as anything left to be done. Additional hours may be purchased with the TLC by The Hour service. The average website can take 1-8 hours to correct fixable accessibility errors and warnings.


Why is accessibility important for your website?

In many countries around the world, laws require websites to be accessible. Some laws require only public sector (government) websites to be accessible. But, increasingly, laws worldwide also require business and nonprofit websites to be accessible to people with disabilities.

Broader Audience Reach

Many accessibility remediation efforts overlap with search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Google and other search engines require semantic HTML and quality code to understand what websites are about. Improving accessibility on websites can help them to rank better in search engines, thus bringing more traffic to the site.

Beyond bringing more traffic in general, making a website accessible broadens the customer group who can use it. People with disabilities make up a significant portion of the global population (1 in 6 people). By making your website accessible, you ensure this group can engage with your products, services, and content.

Enhanced User Experience

Improving accessibility often leads to a better overall user experience for all visitors, not just people with disabilities. Accessible websites typically have cleaner layouts and clearer navigation. They may have faster load times due to reduced use of animations and JavaScript. There may be more clearly defined paths or journeys leading users to take the actions you want them to take.

Ethical and Moral Imperatives

Ensuring website accessibility is a matter of social responsibility and ethical obligation.

Everyone should have equal access to information, products, and services, regardless of their abilities. All people should be able to live a happy and healthy life.

Live Your Values

By prioritizing accessibility, organizations demonstrate their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. In today’s business culture, corporations create values and meaningful mission statements. Having an accessible website is a way organizations can live the values they’ve put on paper (or on the wall).

Create a Positive Brand Image

In line with living corporate values, prioritizing accessibility can also help organizations build a positive brand image in the public. Consumers increasingly expect businesses to prioritize inclusivity and diversity. By investing in accessibility, organizations show that they value all customers and stakeholders.

Reduced Costs

Accessibility may require some upfront investment, but in the long run, investing in website accessibility can reduce businesses’ costs.

Prioritizing accessibility at the outset of a new website project also reduces costs down the line if the organization receives a complaint. It’s much easier to prioritize accessibility in design and content creation before a developer writes a single line of code. If you wait until later in the project or after a complaint is received, fixing the problem will be a lot more expensive.