School Messaging Framework AwarenessDescribe your school and what makes you different/unique.InterestDescribe the concerns and problems parents are facing, so they will think "This school is for us!"DesireDescribe the solution. Prove value has been delivered for a similar family, stimulating aspiration towards achieving the same result. (Testimonial/Social Proof)IntentPresent the solution. Parents will realize that this is a good fit for their child/family, followed by a decision to inquire/apply.ConvictionThe parents are looking for reassurance so they have confidence in their decision - proof, social validation, case studies to reduce risk.ActionClear instructions for the parents to follow in order to take the next step in the process. A clear Call To Action.Your InformationFIll out the information below and we will send you your messaging via email with some suggestions on how to use this messaging on your website!Name* First Last Email* School Name*School Website* EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.