Sharing Some TLC


Does your WordPress website load in under 3 seconds?

Google favors websites that load in under 3 seconds, because that is a benchmark for a better user experience and website performance. It shouldn’t be hard to make your website load this fast, but many websites fail to meet this benchmark. We recently started working with a nonprofit whose WordPress…


Safely Adding a User to a Google My Business Listing

As mentioned in these quick tips for using Google My Business for SEO, having a Google My Business listing is important for your company’s online presence. Having this listing, properly configured, can increase your business’ chances of showing up in a Google search and in the top 3 featured businesses….

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Find Hidden Screen Options in Your WordPress Website Backend

WordPress is a powerful and versatile, open source content management system. Over 33% of all websites in the world are WordPress sites. For those who only use it to publish blog content, WordPress is easy to use. However, some confusing and “hidden” basic things, such as Screen Options, may take…


What is Caching and How Do I Clear My Browser Cache?

While not unique to WordPress, if you have a WordPress website, you have probably heard of caching or browser caching, and been told a few times to “clear your cache.” (Note, this is different from clearing your CASH, which is not usually a good idea). Caching in a Nutshell There…

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Get over your fear! SVGs are not SCARY Vector Graphics

If you’re like me, there is never enough time to learn ALL the things you want to. I keep hearing about how amazing SVGs are, but have been scared to learn how to create them and work with them. Even more intimidating…. Adding animation! Why SVG? You might first wonder…

Clusterflunk stock photo. Startup Stock Photos

Creating mockup website images

I recently updated my website portfolio to add screenshots and links to new websites I have created for clients. I created a Photoshop template (click to download and use! yourself!) to make it easier to make a consistent and professional look and control the screenshot view. Since I had already started…


Get these! 10 Best BASIC Google Chrome Extensions

I use Google Chrome as my default browser. I am a fan of the extensions they offer to increase productivity and simplify processes. There are extensions I use for WordPRess website development, which I will cover in a different post. This post focuses on my 10 favorite extensions for basic…


How to Use the Chrome Inspector to Edit Your Website CSS

My life as a web designer was changed once I figured out that I can use the Chrome Developer Tools Inspector to play with the CSS on my websites. There are many uses for these great tools, but here I am focusing on using it for CSS specifically. I did…

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Taking and Selecting Great Photos for Your Website

Today’s post is from guest blogger Lawrence Cheng, of Lawrence Cheng Photography. Lawrence is a professional photographer based in Arlington, VA who specializes in portraits and corporate photography. You’re probably aware that images do increase traffic to your website or social media feed. How much more traffic? Jeff Bullas, social…