Trinity Presbyterian Preschool

Trinity Presbyterian Preschool in Arlington is a long-standing favorite institution in their community. The staff provides a loving, fun environment for the students, and helps them prepare for Kindergarten.
The school’s website was built by the staff using The school had no logo or branding, and the website was not organized in a way that was user-friendly.

New, Colorful Logo
We started by working with the preschool to develop a logo. They wanted a tree concept that related to the idea of growth. We showed them a few concepts and they chose this one, which has a trunk that evokes a happy child with their hands in the air. We used bright, vibrant colors to communicate the fun, happy environment that Trinity is known for.

We also created a horitonal version of the logo and an icon that can be used for social media.

Moving from to
Since the old website was on, we were able to export the content and put it into Google Docs for the client to edit. From there, we imported the new content into the new website design and templates. We worked with their existing photography, as well as some stock images on the home page.
The new website contains user-friendly site architecture. The content is well-organized so users can find what they are looking for, whether they are new, prospective families looking for admissions information, or existing families wanting information on registration, tuition payments or upcoming events.
We trained the client on how to easily edit their website, and we look forward to helping them maintain their new, happy website!