Website Credentials

Please share information listed below. This information will be sent securely to our server.

  • Domain

  • Website Hosting

  • CMS Company

    Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, etc.
  • Payment Processor

  • Pay Pal, Stripe
  • If we need access to your account, we will need to request your password or a temporary password. We ensure this information will be kept confidential.
  • Social Media

  • In some cases, it may be necessary for you to make us an admin on your Facebook account to allow us to integrate it into your website. We will let you know how to do this if necessary.
  • Please provide your Instagram password to create a feed into your website.
  • WordPress Login

    If you have an existing WordPress website, please provide the login information. If you do not have a WordPress website, leave this blank.
  • if different from your website domain listed above
  • Please ensure this is an Administrator Level user. You may also create a new user for us with the email [email protected].
  • Other

  • Google Analytics & Search Console

    Please make us admins on your Google Analytics account and Google Search Console account using the email [email protected].
    Instructions for adding us to your Google Analytics Account
    Instructions for adding us to your Google Search Console Account