Betsy Withycombe


Favorite Charity:

We do a fair amount of charitable giving so it’s hard to choose just one organization as the one that is most important to me. I believe strongly in the mission of Planned Parenthood, as they provide general healthcare to women for whom medical help is not always readily available or affordable. In recent years we’ve strongly supported food banks all over the country. It’s difficult (if not impossible) to be productive, kind, and to learn in school if you’re hungry.

Memorable Teacher:

My favorite teacher was my second grade teacher, Mrs. Bixby. I was an early reader and writer and the general ed curriculum wasn’t appropriate for me. I am still grateful to her for being willing to modify instruction to meet me where I was at that time, and for connecting me with another student in the class whom I could help and support. My relationship with the boy I helped learn to read remains a profound memory for me to this day. She taught me that even a small child could make a significant contribution.

Betsy has forty years of experience behind the lens.  She has photographed life’s milestones for a broad audience as well as the activities of non-profit and for-profit businesses, and delivered head shots for corporate staffs and artists. Her photography has been showcased in exhibits and is a part of permanent art installations. Also an award-winning baker, her food photography can be viewed on social media at Raid the Kitchen. Betsy believes that meaningful photographs tell a story, deepening our understanding of (and connections to) other people, our community, and our world at large. She looks forward to helping you share your story.